Recompiling an object is an advantage when the "indexes or other changes that affect statistics are made the database, compiled stored procedures and triggers may lose efficiency. Sp_recompile is a system stored procedure in SQL to rebuild an object, the next time it runs. Recompiling you can re-optimize queries.
Here is the query to recompile all the SPS in the database.
Declare @ name nvarchar (125), @ cmd nvarchar (300)
SPList declare the cursor / Cursor * It must be observed to go through all the SPS DB * /
Select the name of sys.objects
where type = 'P'
SPList open
FETCH NEXT from SPList / * get the record of the cursor * /
in the name @
While @ @ FETCH_STATUS = 0
Select @ cmd = 'EXEC sp_recompile [' + @ name + ']'
Exec @ cmd / * recompile the SP * /
FETCH NEXT SPList / * Get the name of SP after the cursor * /
@ In the name
SPList close
Deallocate SPList
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